On Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Governor Andrew Cuomo

Sexual harassment is never ok, never funny, and never just a misunderstanding. A report by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2016 stated that about 60% of women have experienced some sort of sexual harassment in the workplace. The accounts by three women, so far, of sexual misconduct and harassment by Governor Cuomo are familiar to almost any woman who has interacted with men in a professional or social environment.

Governor Cuomo has been the headline of several scandals in the last months. His personal disregard for women also manifests in his austerity politics as a governor, where he has cut funding from programs that disproportionately impact working class women. After cutting Medicaid funds during the pandemic, underreporting COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes, and relentlessly advancing austerity politics, Governor Andrew Cuomo cannot be allowed to stay in office.

Governor Cuomo is known for a pattern of bullying. The people of New York deserve better.

As a socialist, feminist and anti-racist organization, we stand with survivors. In light of these multiple allegations of sexual harassment, the High Peaks Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America joins NYC DSA in their call for the immediate resignation and, failing that, impeachment of Governor Andrew Cuomo. We are in solidarity with Charlotte Bennett, Lindsey Boylan, and Anna Ruch, who have spoken out about their horrific experiences.

High Peaks Democratic Socialists of America